Thursday, August 24, 2023

First day of school

 The first day of school went pretty good for everyone.  Isaac said it was crazy and hard to figure everything out but he did it.  He got on the bus ok and it takes him 20 minutes to get to school and 45 to get home since he is one of the last stops.  He couldn't open his locker and a teacher helped him.  He was able to eat lunch with his friends and he had a couple friends in his classes.  It was a lot to figure out and he did really well.  Oliver had a good day but was really tired after school.  He laid in his bed for a while.  Then I took every one out for some pretzels and he acted a lot better after that.  Ruth had a good day also.  She made her name in fruit loops.  She is sitting in the back by Cora.  Work is going good.  We are making poinsettia jar toppers and they are so cute.  We need twelve of them by Monday and we are almost done which is good.  The little kids had piano lessons today.  We also went to Staples to get a new lunch box for Isaac, his was too small.  Oliver loves the gaming chairs and while I was at exercise class Casey took him back and they got one.  He is really excited.

Love Rachel

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