Monday, February 25, 2013

A Good Helper

Robin, good job.  I am proud of you.  I don't think that I could of done it.  You are so good.  I am glad that you made it alright and are feeling better that is great.  I am glad that everyone had a good weekend and that you got to get together yesterday.  We had a good weekend.  Casey came down with a cold so he only worked a little bit on Sunday which was great.  It was nice to have him home.  A guy at his work is having car troubles so he is borrowing the truck for a little bit.  Casey took it over to him on Saturday.  Casey and Isaac made bread on Sunday and Isaac was a good helper.  He loved cooking.  Tonight we grinded more wheat and he would scoop out the flour and put it in a bowl.  It was cute and kept him busy for a while.  I made lasagna for dinner and it tasted really good.  This recipe is a keeper.  I found a little paper piecing kit from the red rooster so Saturday Isaac was playing a game and Casey was taking the truck over I made it.  I t turned out really cute and I am using it as a pin cushion.  I attached pictures.  Isaac took a good nap so I was able to finish quilting Mom's quilt, YEA.  I feel like I am cursed.  Saturday I went to work on it and I ran out of thread just after Isaac feel asleep.  I never could get a good time to work on it last week.  Anyway, I am glad that Dad is having a good time in China and is getting to see the sights.  I am excited for him.  I hope that everyone has a good night and gets a good night sleep.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...