Tuesday, June 27, 2017


Today was good.  The boys played with their new robot spiders all morning, they love them.  Casey needed some things for scouts tonight so we ran to the store to get them and then went to swimming lessons.  Oliver did a lot better today and said he was going to be happy and he was.  Go figure.  We swam afterwards for a while.  Ruthie loves to swim and didn't want to leave.  While we were waiting for the boys she put on her floaty and wanted to get in the pool, it was cute.  While I was doing dishes after lunch she was in the living room playing and I went in to check on her.  She was feeding Stanley and he was so happy and talking to her, it was so cute.  Casey had scouts and they were roasting hot dogs.  Isaac wanted to go so Casey took him and they had fun.  When Casey got back they made a fire in the backyard and roasted hot dogs with the little kids.  We canceled young women's but they wanted a meeting so I had a meeting tonight.  We were late putting the kids to bed and they were having loud music at the park.  Then at sunset they had fireworks, the boys were still up so we watched them and it was fun.  It was the perfect place to watch them in the backyard.  Everyone have a great day.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...