Thursday, September 10, 2015

Quilt group

Karen, if you need a date to take to Red Lobster my calendar is open.  That is a nice birthday present.  What do you think about Antelope Island on Sunday?  I thought that would be fun, think about it.  Today was a good day.  The kids were in better moods which was good.  Isaac had school and had a fun time their.  Casey wanted to make black beans today so we went shopping while he was gone.  After lunch Jenn picked me up and we went to that quilt group.  They 4th ward started it and has had fewer people lately so they invited our ward so I knew about half the people.  Some people in the 4th ward knew Mom and said we looked alike.  I think it will be fun.  They just go around and you show what you are working on and ask for help or comments.  Then they have a new block each month that someone teaches so at the end of the year you have a quilt.  They are also having a block swap with some ladies in Australia for a Christmas quilt.  I signed up to do it so I hope that I haven't taken on too much but it sounded fun.  It was such a nice day we spent most of it outside.  Isaac has been inventing things and wanted a water ramp so he and Casey built it.  He had fun with it.  Isaac has been getting a ton of flat tires on our walk so I told Casey where the thorns are so tonight we walked their with the wheelbarrow and Casey picked them.  Their were a ton of thorns everywhere so we may need to pull the plants up next spring before the thorns come.  Everyone have fun painting tomorrow.  That is a lot of work, good job guys.


Oliver is helping fix the flat tires

Water Ramp

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