Tuesday, September 8, 2015

39 years

Well we made it to 39 years.  Dad bought me flowers and we went out to Tenpanyaki for dinner.  It was too far to go to fujis.  Work was crazy busy today and I thought it should be Monday as well.  I am so glad that Thomas got his new movie and doughnuts.  It doesn't get any better than that.  I hope Oliver gets feeling better.  They get so grouchy when they don't feel good.  That is nice that Casey can take turns.  Robin your saying made me laugh.  Thanks for posting it.  Tomorrow we are having a surprise wedding shower for a girl in our department.  Wish me luck that it turns out.  I tried to download the picture of the flowers but it was like frozen.  I will try it again tomorrow.  Thursday after work is our work picnic.  Karen do you want to come down?  You could spend the night.  LOVE MOM

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