Friday, November 4, 2016

Elmo is back

Ruthie has slept the last two nights which is a miracle.  Oliver and Ruthie's tummies seem to be on the mend also.  Today the kids were supposed to wear red shirt for red ribbon week and I forgot.  Isaac had some red on his monster truck and was OK with that.  I tried to take Olive and Ruth to story time but Oliver had the biggest melt down and we left.  It was pretty embarrassing.   I went and got a coke at sonics and drove around the block to cool off.  I picked the kids up from school so after we dropped Henry off we went to Sam's club to run errands and have lunch.  The RV kids came over and played for a while.  Imogene came over when she was done with school then the RV kids left and she stayed until dinner.  Isaac had a free ice cream at cold stones from Halloween so we went their for a bed time snack.  Oh this morning I got out the tickle me Elmo and the kids like it.  I got out the little Elmo also and Oliver carried it around Sam's club.  Oliver likes to knock the big one down and it confuses it.  It is cute still and makes me laugh.


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