Saturday, November 5, 2016


We had a good and busy day.  Ruthie didn't sleep well and Casey let me sleep in which was nice of him.  Henry's favorite movie is secret life of pets so Isaac wanted to go see it.  It was at the cheap theater so we all went.  Ruthie was busy so her and Casey spent most of the time walking around.  The kids seemed to like the movie.  After lunch Ruthie, Oliver and Casey were napping and Isaac was writing so I went and sewed for a while, it was nice to have some time off.  When everyone got up we went hiking up in the mountains.  It was a lot of fun and so pretty.  The kids had fun running around.  At 7 Randy called and said that Laurie and Tiffany were here visiting so we ran up their.  It was really good to see them and fun to visit.  The kids had a fun time playing with them.  They are here until Wednesday.  I didn't post some pictures yesterday of the kids making race tracks in the garden.  I also finished my sampler Christmas quilt.  I quilted it with golden thread and I really like it.  It was a fun one to do.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...