Sunday, November 10, 2019

The weekend

When will they have your new tooth Karen?   I hope it isn't a long wait.  I am glad that you are feeling good.  We had a good weekend.  Randy came over yesterday and they put the floor in the bathroom.  It looks really really nice.  We are going to get the baseboards up and then Randy is going to come over and we will grout it.  So we are close to being done.  I had a ton of meeting today.  Casey watched the kids this morning and I had a meeting but I got all my questions answered so that was good.  Church went good and then I had a meeting afterwards.  I feed the kids and then we went to the park and played until it was dark.  Casey worked and came home before bed time.  The kids were in a good mood today and it was fun.  We have eaten almost all the Halloween candy.  I will miss the chocolate.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...