Wednesday, July 24, 2019


I had a nice sleepover last night with the grandkids.  They are so cute.  We went to the parade today and I really enjoyed that.  I haven't been to a parade for a long time  It was cloudy so it wasn't too hot.  I thought we weren't going to get any candy after the first few cars but it picked up and they got some candy.  We went over to the activities afterwards and it was nice.  I got me a hot dog, I was craving one.  The fire trucks were there spraying their hoses and it was so nice to get wet.  The firemen kept squirting me.  We went to lunch and then made Tie dye shirts.  I think I have more dye on me than my shirt but it was fun.  I think I wore the kids out or  at least me.  I feel asleep for awhile.  Everyone have had nice Thursday.  I hope you had a good 24th of July.   I am not looking forward to work tomorrow but the rest of the week should go fast.  LOVE MOM

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