Thursday, November 17, 2022


Around 10 the day care called me and said Luna had a rash. I didn't see it in the morning. But they are saying hand and mouth desiese is going around. So they told me we had to get a doctor to check it out to make sure it wasn't contagious. Luckily Jeramy didn't work today. So he went and picked her up. Then after lunch I went home and worked from home. We took her to the doctor and Luna had a raging fit. She would not calm down. But the doctor said it was a contact rash and it's not contagious. It's probably laundry detergent or something she rubbed against. He signed a doctor's note so we can go back tomorrow. It's been a month. That's for sure. She was wild all night. She has so much energy. Jeramy was rubbing my feet so Luna layed on me so she could get her feet rubbed too. 😂 It was so funny.

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