Thursday, October 12, 2017

Busy Week

I hope that everyone is feeling better, colds suck.  Today was a busy day.  Casey got home late last night and was really tired so he stayed home today.  I had a dentist appointment this morning to fix a little cavity.  I dropped Isaac off at school and then I dropped Oliver and Ruth at Randy's and he watched them.  He was watching Ivy so they played together.  Randy got Casey a chain saw for his birthday which was really nice.  The dentist went good and was fast.  When I picked up the little kids they hadn't gone to the park yet so we walked over there and played for a bit.  We came home and had a quick lunch and then took Oliver to school.  Casey was up so he watched Ruthie and I went to quilt group.  That was fun and it is good to talk with everyone.  Casey hung the canoe up while I was gone and it looks really nice.  I had dropped Isaac's bike off at school so we rode bikes home which was nice.  We just spent the night at home and played, it was nice.  We are coming down tomorrow but it will be later.  Thanks for taking Casey shooting Karen.  I finished the quilts for the bunk beds, I think I will add a border but I thought I would bring them down and try them out.  I also attached a picture of my long time gone blocks, I am getting close to being done.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...