Wednesday, January 11, 2023


 That is sad about your coworkers Robin.  I am sorry.  That was nice of Andy to give you a ride Karen.  Ruth had a field trip to hardware ranch and she was so so excited.  She packed her lunch last night so she would be ready.  She had a fun time and liked seeing the elk.  Casey had activity days tonight and the kids had a fun time.  The made marshmallow snowmen.  Isaac had young men's and the decorated cakes.  Work was good today.  I made two zipper pouches and a wine bag.  They got a new janome machine on loan.  It is their newest model and it cost $23,000.  It has the biggest hoop on the market.  The machine is giant.  My boss was unpacking it and getting it set up.  They are going to make put it out in the middle so everyone can use it.  Casey is still doing good.  He is getting better every day.  I also had book group tonight.  It was good to see everyone and I thank them for all they did.  We met at the creepery and it tasted good.

Love Rachel 

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...