Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Happy 4th

Sorry I didn't blog last night it got so late so fast.  Thanks for the bunk beds Mom, I love them.  I was so confused what day it was today.  Casey was home and I turned on the water and it wasn't watering day and I didn't notice until 3 this afternoon.  We had a good day yesterday.  I babysat in the morning and we did water balloons and played downstairs.  We went to Sam's for lunch and got some batteries, we use so many.  Randy invited us up for dinner so we went up and he grilled hot dog and hamburgers.  It was fun to talk with everyone.  We decided to not watch the fireworks with them since it takes so long to drive home afterwards so we came home and walked to the church on 8th east and watched them.  Some neighbors were there and they had kids that know Isaac so they played.  Oliver fell asleep while we were watching them.  Isaac was so excited when we got home we set off all the fireworks that Mom and Dad bought us.  It was fun.  We were invited to a breakfast this morning but we didn't make it.  Casey worked on fixing the trailer all day so his Mom could take it to Washington.  It was so hot me and kids stayed in the basement.  We got pizza for dinner and got Oliver a new car seat like Isaac's and Ruthie some hiking shoes.  We also got some more fireworks for tonight that we are going to set off in a bit.  We took Stanley outside and he loves it.  Isaac was sitting inside and he started to crawl on Isaac.  It kind of freaked Isaac out but it was really good for him.  I think they will get used to each other.  I tried so hard to get a good picture yesterday of the kids but it didn't happen.  Isaac wouldn't wear his matching shirt but he wore it today.  Oliver slept in his and just wore it both days.  I am excited to come down tomorrow, thanks for having us.


 Ruth keeps drawing all over her legs

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