Monday, September 21, 2015

New Home

Isaac was super super excited to go camping today.  When he woke up he gathered all his things to get ready to go.  He had school today and that went good for him and he had fun.  I had a doctors appointment while he was at school and Casey and Oliver came with to meet the new doctor, he seems nice and I think he will be good.  I had messed up on my snowflakes and needed more fabric so we had enough time to run to Joanns and get it before we picked up Isaac.  Then we went to Sam's and grocery shopping for camping.  We got home and had lunch and then they left.  Randy went with them and took the boat so they went fishing, they didn't catch anything.  I gave Oliver a nap and sewed a bit.  He didn't wake up until 5, so I feed him and then we headed up to spend the evening camping.  It was really pretty at the Oneida narrows and it was fun.  Isaac had a list of things he wanted to do and was insistent we do his list.  It was really pretty up their and it was nice to be outside.  Isaac said that it the camp site was his new home and he was never coming back so we may have to go to the mountains to see him. :)  Well I am off to bed, I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.  Robin, you have the best job.


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