Monday, March 25, 2013


Well the orignal blinds I got were not wide enough. So I went down to SLC tonight and me and mom exchanged them. We found a differnet kind that I liked better so we got those. And even better they were on sale. Wow I know. I have attached a picture. Shocking I know that I actually remembered to do that. Rachel I like the pen holders they are way cute. Well other than that it was just the same old same old today. Work went by fast so that was nice at least. Rachel for the Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, are you planning on coming down Saturday morning or Friday night. It starts at 10 so I didn't know if you wanted to spend the night or not. I think mom is planing to spend Friday night so if you come too we could party. Maybe Robin would come also and we could have a rematch of Telestrations. Well have a good one. BYE

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