Monday, March 25, 2013

New Wagon

Today was good.  I picked up my next mystery quilt part and they were selling buttons to add as establishments for extra and it rubbed me the wrong way for some reason.  I didn't get them, I just thought that it should be part of the kits.  I am over it now I don't know why I blogged it, sorry.  We met Casey for lunch and we ran over to walmart after to get a easter basket for Isaac.  I think that I have everything set for him now which feels nice.  While we were there they had a cute little wagon so I got it for him and he loves it.  We walked around the block and he dragged it the whole way.  It is cute.  We also worked in the yard, I got all the weeds out of the side bed and started moving some plants over there from the front bed.  I think that it is going to work out good.  When Casey came home we helped him trim the trees.  He only has half an apple tree left and the apricot tree.  It is looking good.  I hope that everyone had a good day and have a good night.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...