Thursday, October 11, 2012

Almost the weekend.

I am sorry I missed your call Rachel.  I was all the way to Target before I realized I left my phone home.  We did make it to Target and I have gotten all the baby items for Saturday.  I looked on the tracking for Sharon and Lisa's presents and they should have them by Saturday.  One is being delivered on Thursday (Sharon's) and one on Friday (Lisa's) so I think they will be able to open them on Saturday.  I put all our names on the gifts so you don't have to get anything.  Yeah.  I went and got Camille's gift tonight.  Camille's shower is at 12:30 but I am the only one invited to that one.  The shower at Grandma Bodily's starts at 1:00 but goes until 3:00 it is an open house so you don't have to be there the whole time.  They are sykping at 2:00.  So I thought I would leave around 1:30 from the first shower and join up with you three at Margarets.  AFter that I thought we would celebrate Casey's birthday.  Robin you could work all morning if you wanted to.  Sunday Erica's farewell is at 9:30 in Provo.  I have no details on that one.  I am hoping to get more when we visit on Friday.  Angela is blessing her baby at 5:45 on Sunday at the Avalon Nursing Home.  Kyle is blessing the baby.  Robin would you mind bringing back the airmattress for the weekend.  I haven't had a chance to get something to replace it yet.  I went and got my haircut today.  It sure feels nice to have it done.  It was really long.  I tried someone new and she didn't cut it very short but it looks really nice.  Have a great Friday. I am excited for us to get together.  Robin I am glad you got some rest. You needed it.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...