Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Grocery Shopping

It was snowing here this morning so dad drove me to work.  He was going to work from home but he was brave and left work at 10 instead.  I drove trax to 21st and then we went to Winco.  We had no treats left in the house.  I bought some hamburger and I totally spaced out that I was cooking it and burned it.  Oh well, I am officially an airhead.  Work was good.  It is suppose to storm all day tomorrow and Friday. Karen and Rachel you might be shoveling for the next couple of days.  It is hard to poop in the toilet.  A little toy to play with might help.  I got a TV tray and put some toys on it to play with so you could do that on the toilet.  How is the binkie coming along?  Robin I am with you all I want to do it curl up in a blanket.  Kay has decided she doesn't want to go to Vegas. Julie doesn't want to go so now she doesn't want to go.  We might have to plan a trip by ourselves to go somewhere.  Have a good Thursday.  It has seemed like a long week to me.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...