Sunday, May 20, 2012

Fire Eclipse

We saw the eclipse also.  It was so fun to see.  We went over to Casey's Dad's and me and Terry made a projector.  It was just a long box with a hole in it and you could see it projected on a white piece of paper.  It was really neat.  Church was kind of complicated for me today.  Casey was working and Isaac seemed really tired and grumpy.  So I put him down for his nap close to 12 and I thought he would wake up and I would take him to nursery so he would start getting used to it. So he made a noise at 2:10 and I thought that was perfect so I went in there and he wasn't really awake.  But I had woken him up so he was grumpy.  So we just took it slow and I decided I would just try to go to relief society.  But he started to cry when the lesson started so I went out in the hall.  I did talk to the nursery leader and she said that he can come and try it out.  So I think I will try putting him down for a nap early and then go to nursery.  I am hoping that will work.  Sorry that was long winded, it was tough afternoon.  I did have a really fun time watching the eclipse, it was a fun night.


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 Today was good.   My classes went surprisingly well and I had a good day.  The kids liked all the projects we did and were really good.  Me...