Thursday, November 15, 2018


Today was good.  Oliver had school and we went grocery shopping.  We made cookies and then walked to the park after lunch.  It was such a pretty day we really didn't even need jackets.  Isaac's friend Ty came over to play.  They are best friends and were really excited to play together.  He is a cute boy.  I made stew and we had Leona over.  She liked the stew but doesn't want to come over for dinner until spring because it is too late and dark now.  She is going to come to Karen's house for Christmas if that is ok.  She doesn't have anywhere to go so we invited her.  Karen has the perfect house.  Thank you.  Grandma talked back with us on Marco polo which was nice, she doesn't seem like she feels good.  I hope that they can keep her pain levels down.  I was going to make pot holders for bingo but I made one and it was ugly so I just made a pillow with the rest of my blocks.  Ruthie loves it and claimed it for herself.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...