Friday, November 13, 2020


 Today was good and we didn't have much going on.  I slept in a bit so I took Tony on a shorter walk.  They were having pizza at school so I didn't have to make lunches.  I sewed for a while today and it was really nice.  I was able to finish my birthday quilt.  Mom got me the pattern and the fabric for my birthday.  We picked Casey up for lunch and we ordered our fireplace insert.  Our rebate was approved.  I am so excited.  They are going to install it on Dec 22.  The weather was getting bad so I drove to pick up the boys.  When I got there the school called and said Oliver fell off the monkey bars and hit his head.  So I went in to get him.  He was calm and seems fine.  Poor thing though.  I ordered Tony some bones and they came today.  It kept him busy which was nice.  Ruth made us gramcrackers and frosting for a snack.  It was sweet. Well I will see you guys tomorrow.  Love you.



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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...