Thursday, September 28, 2017

Super Star

It has been a busy week and has gone by really fast.  Today we rode bikes and it was warm and nice.  We went to Lee's and got some treats for Oliver to take to school because he was a super star.  He only wanted a push pop and it took some doing to convince him to take fruit snacks.  We went on a walk when we got home so Oliver could ride his bike.  Oliver had a fun time being the super star at school and was happy.  After Isaac got home he had a friend from down the street come over and play for a hour.  She is a cute girl.  Casey went tree climbing for a bit while she was here.  I had a meeting for young women's at 8 and it just got done so it was a late night.  Thanks for coming up this weekend, the kids are super excited to decorate for Halloween.


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