Tuesday, May 14, 2013


The flowers looks beautiful Rachel.  You did good.  It looks like you have planted corn in the backyard.  That will be Yummy.  I am glad that Isaac likes his fish.  Karen congratulations on the lawn mowing.  It always feels so nice right after mowing.  The lawn looks so nice.  I was pondering an idea for memorial day.  Since Robin has Monday off do you guys want to go to Kamas on Sunday and go to Thomas and then Monday we could hike in the morning and then go home.  Just a suggestion  I am open for any ideas. I am a little worried that Thomas will be so crowded on Saturday.  It might be less crowded on Sunday.  I worked late to make up hours from yesterday and then went and picked up my drugs.  My tomatoes are looking really good.  Have a nice hump day.  LOVE MOM

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