Monday, May 13, 2013

It's a hot one

Thank you everyone for such a nice weekend.  Thanks also for putting up withe me.  Good job Karen walking to work today, that is awesome.  I am so glad that you live so close.  You should put pictures of your garden on the blog also.  I hope that it does really well for you.  We had a good day.  We just stayed at home and played in the backyard.  Isaac loves the shovel that you got him Mom.  He spent a lot of time digging.  I am almost finished quilting my 4th of July wall hanging.  I will put a picture up when I am done.  Casey mowed the lawn this evening and it looks really nice.  We got a fence post to fix the fence that fell over and are going to fix it tomorrow.  I think that is about everything.  Thank you again for the fun weekend.  I am so excited to have so much batting.  I am ready to quilt away.  It was really hot today, I hope that it cools down tomorrow.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...