Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Best Quilt Ever

Congratulations Robin, that is amazing and so exciting. I wish that I could go to the competition and watch. That is going to be an amazing experience. Well today we picked up my double wedding ring quilt and it is amazing. It is the best quilt that I have ever done and it looks so beautiful quilted. I am so happy with it. Thank you Mom and Dad for quilting it. I love it. I think that it would be awesome to get on of those display it in one of those wooden boxes that we saw in St George. Casey said that we could probably make one. Here are some pictures, they aren't great pictures, it looks a lot more stunning in person. I am nervous to bind it because the edges aren't straight but Kay at the quilt store gave me some tips so hopefully I can do it. I have three project waiting to be bound, I need to get going on it. I think that I am going to finish cutting out the Sea Urchin quilt and then bind. Sorry that is a lot of quilt talk.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...