Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The move continues

The book cases fit perfectly into dad's jeep.  They are now in Robin's apartment.  She was able to fit the sewing table in her car and so that is in there also.  She is getting all her stuff in there.  There is still a trip or two of boxes but other than that all that is left is the couch and the stuff in Logan.  WE are doing good.  Work was good today and I am swamped right now.  It is crazy.  End of the quarter always is busy for me.  I am taking 1/2 a day off on Friday to go with dad to his stomach doctor.  Sarah recommended him so we are going to try him.  WE have been waiting for 3 months.  I hope it goes well.  I need to rent the Uhaul for Saturday but other than that we are ready to go.  I am needing an Isaac hug and kiss bad.  Drying apples is the way to go.  They don't take up much room, they are easy to do and they taste wonderful.  I love to dry apples.  I think the relish of green tomatoes is really good.  It is just how hard do you want to work.  Good luck on Friday Rachel.  I hope your frames go well.  I hope it doesn't get too cold but a little cooler would be nice for the move.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...