Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Yesterday me and Casey were talking that we wanted to see the movie Interstellar.  So we called Randy and he watched the kids for us and we went and saw it today.  It was really fun to go and a nice break.  The movie we pretty good, it had a lot of neat special effects but it was kind of slow and long.  We went after I sewed with Jenn so I had a vacation day kind of, it was fun.  The boys did really well at Randy's and had a fun time which made me happy.  Mom my eye is feeling better.  I wore my glasses yesterday and today I wore my contacts again.  It is still kind of sore so I might wear glasses the rest of the week just to give it a rest, it isn't as red though.  Karen I was going to ask how your scarf is going.  Is it fun to crochet?  It was freezing cold today.  I hope that everyone is staying warm.


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