Saturday, April 27, 2019


Robin, you looked beautiful in the wedding dresses yesterday.  Thanks for having it me, it was a lot of fun.  Today was busy.  I couched my first soccer game this morning.  It went well and I think that I was able to have all the kids play a fair amount.  One boy was really good and he scored all our goals.  We lost but it was 7 to 10 and I felt like they did a good job.  When we got home we did yard work.  Casey put the sun shade on the deck and it looks really nice.  I finished pruning the apple tree and I hope that I didn't butcher it.  Casey started tilling the garden.  It is a lot of work and we have a lot more to do.  We went canoeing.  It took an hour to get everything ready but now we can go anytime we want pretty fast.  We also had to get Oliver a new life jacket.  It was so windy when we got there we just went in one boat and not for long.  It was too hard.  It is funny when we want to fly kites no wind but when we want to canoe it is always windy.  We all got some sun today and are tired.  Thanks again for coming up tomorrow.  Ruthie is on board with the flower boxes and we have extra wood to make them.  Thanks again.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...