Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Holy Reading Batman

Yesterday I got an email saying the odd thomas book was ready for me to pick up.  Then today I got an email saying the Robert Jordan book was ready also.  So I went and picked both of them up today.  I have a lot of reading to do.  I can always renew them if I can read them fast enough.  We had a busy day today.  We had play group this morning and that was fun.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon.  I finished the mystery quilt table runner, I just have to bind it and hand sew some flowers on.  I was going to give it to Robin if you still want it.  I think it is cute.  I will put a picture up when I am done.  After she left I made biscuits for enrichment.  It  took about an hour to do.  I have a ton left also, I am going to send them with Casey tomorrow.  Enrichment went really good.  We had about twenty people bring a sample of a recipe and the recipe to go with it.  There was a lot of food and it was fun.  My demonstration went well, it wasn't too long so that was nice.  Overall everything worked out and it turned out to be a good day.  I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...