Friday, February 15, 2013

A New Bed

Today was good.  Casey rode his bike to work so me and Isaac took the truck to pick him up.  We decided while we were out to look at beds for a minute.  There was a place by where firehouse pizza used to be that we stopped.  They had really good deals and 6 months no interest so we bought one.  We are just going to pay it off when our tax refund comes.  They had a good deal also so we were able to get a nicer one than I thought.  It is a memory foam king size mattress.  We are really excited.  We are picking it up tomorrow morning before Casey goes down to SLC.  It should be amazing.  Casey might be going to Paris France for his work in a couple of weeks.  Nothing is definite but I am excited for him.  I hope that your photo shoot went well Robin.  You looked really pretty on Facebook.  I am excited to see the photos.  Karen I would love to have a nephew day.  We can even come up to Kamas and spend the day.  I would like that.  Whatever works best for you.  Well I hope that everyone has a good weekend.  If you need anything for your surgery Robin let me know.   Isaac looked cute this morning so I attached a picture.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...