Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Lock Down

Well today in midvale some guys shot three people and were on the run. So they locked all the doors at work so incase he was in our area no one would get hurt. but all is well. I guess they didn't catch the guy yet but it looked like an isolated, drug thing. but other then that things were good. I went grocery shopping I had Zero food. and I went to savers to look at dresses for the shoot on friday. I found some, for the white girl I found a simple wedding dress it was 25 bucks. So I bit the bullet and bought it. hopefully its not to tacky. then I came home and my place was a mess. I was so anxious and stressed so I figured I would clean instead of worry about photoshoot stuff. I think it was the better move. I did laundry and cleaned it feels nice, Its only messy now not hoarders episode 101. But its more relaxing now. so that is my day have a great wensday.

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