Sunday, March 18, 2012

Quiet weekend

I am so glad that Isaac is feeling better. Eating is a good sign. I hope it is over the worse of it. It looks so sick. Poor little guy. I love the quilt it is really nice. Good work. That is nice that Casey was able to get all the cabinets up. That was nice of him. Now we just need to finish up the floor and the kitchen is done. YEAH. I had a bad headache in the middle of the night and slept in until 11. I just read and rested all day. It was nice to have a quiet weekend. It snowed here all day also. I did make chicken enchiladas and they tasted good. I made brownies also. I made a whole bunch so I will have them all week. DAd got Casey's w-2. I will give them to you this weekend. We are meeting with Tom tomorrow to do ours. I am really nervous about it. Well have a great Monday. LOVE MOM

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 I had a really quiet morning. I slept. Dad came home and I ran some errands. He had a heart doctor appt. He checked out really good. I am e...