Thursday, June 30, 2016


Today was Isaac's last swimming lesson.  I was trying really hard to be on time today since we are always a little late and we got in the car and Oliver had pooped in his swimming diaper.  It was such a mess and got his swimming suite all messy.  Isaac was really upset that he may not be able to swim afterwards but I took it to the bathroom at the place and cleaned it up so it was fine.  But it ended up raining so only Isaac went swimming afterwards, the rest of us were too cold.  He was insistent that he was going to go so he swam for a while.  It cleaned up and was hot the rest of the day.  We got the pool and slip and slide out.  It was Collins birthday so we went out to pizza and then up to Randy's house for cake and icecream.  It was fun.  I think that tomorrow we are going to up with them and watch the fireworks above their house.  I think it will go better for Isaac and then Oliver can go too.  I am up for Saturday also.  Do you guys want to go to the cruise in?



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