Monday, January 29, 2018


Casey was sick today.  He went to work but ended up coming home at lunch.  He called the ihc connect and they called in some flu medicine so I am hoping that helps.  I babysat this morning and it was fun.  Ruthie was telling Eva about her big girl bed so they went and looked at it and everyone played in it.  It was a warmer day so we played outside also.  Oliver had school and he had a blast.  He was really happy afterwards.  I didn't think Ruthie would take a nap so I didn't push it but after we picked up Oliver she was really tired and took a good nap.  The girls next door came over to play after school.  They played the switch and it was fun to have Isaac show off all his knowledge.  I keep forgetting to say that last week they moved him up to another level in reading but now it is chapter books and he brought home three of them so we have been reading like crazy to get them read by Wednesday.  It is a lot but he id doing great.  Isaac wanted to bake something and he had been reading the kids cook book he got last Christmas I think so we made some Popsicle without sticks because I didn't have any, they were good.  I had to ship my broken phone back so I took the kids to do that and we picked up Casey's medicine.  The kids were wild but they had fun.  Everyone have a good night.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...