Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Casey is still pretty sick with a lot of fevers, he did seems slightly better today.  We are hoping for a miraculous recovery tomorrow.  Thanks for the help Mom.  He ate some ginger after you called.  It has been warmer so we played outside for a while this morning.  I volunteered at school and we stayed for lunch.  I took the little kids to Chic-filet for lunch and they loved it.  They played in the playhouse for an hour.  They were playing so cute together I loved watching every second.  It was so nice.  Isaac cooked banana pancakes for dinner and they were good.  Oliver is growing like crazy and he ate three pancakes.  He was starving again for a bedtime snack.  We painted for a long time after dinner and that was fun to do.  I hope that everyone is doing well.  I am excited to see everyone this weekend.


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