Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Super Blue Blood Moon

Casey is still pretty sick and fevering a lot.  He stayed home and was in bed for most of the day.  His work is pretty awesome and gave him some leave for the time he is missing.  The kids I babysit for were sick so we just played this morning and it was a nice break.  Ruthie loves to do puzzles so we did that a lot.  We went on a walk much to Oliver dismay, I think he was hungry.  It was nice to get outside.  Oliver had school and that makes him super happy.  Ruthie took a good nap again today.  I left her with Casey and picked up Oliver and we went and got soup for Casey.  When Isaac got home we did more baking, we made these biscuits with apples inside rolled in cinnamon and sugar.  I liked them the kids didn't.  I took the kids to young women's with me but Oliver was grumpy and it wasn't great but we were doing much so it was ok.  I hope that everyone is doing good and have a good Wednesday.  The moon is pretty cool and it will be a blood moon at think at 6:30.  Isaac wants to get up for it but I am not sure I can do it.


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