Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lazy day

WE set the alarm to go to church this morning but dad didn't feel good so we just vegged all day.  I was a lazy lump for sure.  I did make meatloaf for dinner and that tasted really good.  I haven't made that is a long time.  I am so glad you had a quiet day Rachel.  You really needed that.  Congratulations on you paper Karen,  I am glad you did good.  Wow one more week and then you made it through another semester.  Way to go.  Robin, I hope you are doing well also.  Did you go down to Lehi to see his mom?  There was a roll over yesterday and I guess traffic was backed up for hours.  I was hoping you weren't sitting there all day.  I have payroll Monday and it should be a big one.  I haven't worked since Wednesday morning.  I am going in at 6.  Wish me luck.  I hope that everything goes well with Oliver's eyes.  Thanks for keeping us updated.  LOVE MOM

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