Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Hump day

This smog makes it hard to get up in the morning.  After I blogged last night I applied for 2 more jobs.  I told Gary, I guess I need to check my messages more often and low and behold I had a request for a phone interview for the 1st job I applied for.  I called them this morning and I am not sure how it went but I thing it went OK.  He said it would take a month to go through HR so I am not quite sure what that means.  He said he would let me know either way.  I think that was a no.  He didn't say I would get an interview.  Oh well it is a step in the right direction.  Work was OK.  I just can't get caught up.  Everything just keeps being high priority.  We just vegged after work.  Dad helped Karen with her home work.  LOVE MOM

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