Friday, July 12, 2019


Today was the kids last swimming lesson and they all got to jump off the diving board which is fun.  They all did really good and passed the level that they were on.  Afterwards the kids changed into their clothes and we went and met Stephanie for lunch.  They have free lunches at the elementary school during the summer so we met her and went to one in Nibley.  It was fun and the kids had fun playing together.  Afterwards we went and got Isaac some new church shoes for the wedding, his old ones didn't fit.  Imogene came over and played for a bit this afternoon.  My batting came today from Mom and I am so excited.  It is so much batting and it will be a lot of fun to have, thanks.  The kids enjoyed playing in the box.  We went and got some ice cream that Stephanie and it tasted really good.  We are going to camp in the mountain by bear lake tomorrow night so I wont blog.  I will see you guys Sunday at 11:30 at firehouse pizza.  We are so excited the kids might bust.  I can't believe the wedding is in one week also, to fun.


Ruth was mad at me this morning and threw all her books on the floor.  I made her clean them up after swimming lessons.  Me and Oliver ended up helping her.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...