Sunday, July 7, 2019

We have a frog

Well we finished putting together the printer and it was a lot of fun to do.  We have a few hiccups with the starting the printing but it was mostly little things.  We had a hard time getting the filament to stick to the board and figured out it was the air conditioner blowing on the printer.  It might be hot in my house for awhile until we get the table with doors made for it  :).  I can't believe you have had your jeep for a whole year.  What a fun time we have had with it.  Rachel, your pieced quilt is amazing and I love the little blankets the kids made.  They are so cute.  They will use them all the time just because the fabric is so darling.  I am glad you had a nice weekend.  I am curious how long it will take you to quilt your quilt.  Robin, I can't believe how fast the wedding is coming up.  I am super excited.  I am also super excited for bear lake.  I thought we could go up and have pizza at that pizza place we ate at last year and then play on the beach all afternoon.  I thought I would bring dinner up and we could eat it on the beach as we cleaned up to go home.  I bought an awning so Jeramy would have plenty of shade.  I thought we could be our lawn chairs and have a nice place to hang out in.  With Rachels tent we can have like a whole village.  Everyone have a nice week.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...