Saturday, January 22, 2022


Lehi was completely out of formula that Luna has been using. They had alot up in Murray Costco. So we decided to get a road trip in. We had a two year warranty on our miter saw and a piece broke on it. So we transferred the saw to a new one then drove to salt lake. We stopped at mom and dads and said hi. Luna was grumpy so we headed home so she could nap. When we got home I watched her as she napped and Jeramy got his car inspection. Then we clean our house. It was getting wild. At mom and dads the had the ottoman with toys that Luna could stand up and play. So we took our ottoman out of the nursery and put it in the living room. Oh also just down the block from us they had a chick FIL Le air balloon. It was so weird to see it lift off in a suburb area. We thought the park would have been a better idea.

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