Thursday, March 5, 2020

Big busy day

I had a lot of meetings today and it seemed busy.  I like not having meetings.  Robin, just think your first weekend at your house where there is not moving agenda.  That has to feel nice.  If you want to meet in Ogden on Sunday, I will buy dinner and then you can exchange Jenkins.  Just a suggestion.  Karen is coming down tomorrow and we are going to an art museum for her art class.  I am excited.  I have never been to an art museum in Salt Lake.  I keep feeling like I am catching a cold but never do.  It is interesting.  We stopped by the bakery on the way home. One of my friends is retiring and I am bringing cookies to her party.  Rachel, thanks for the book suggestion.  I need to read more.  Everyone have a great Friday.  Next Friday is Friday the 13th.  I am so glad the kids got to play outside.  It just nice to be outside.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...