Monday, April 4, 2022


 Lagoon wore us out yesterday.  Luckily it is spring break this week and we were able to sleep in.  My visiting teachers came over this morning.  Then we went to the park and did Oliver's rocket.  Isaac threw the ball for Tony who had a lot of energy.  We missed Casey so we met him for lunch.  The kids wanted their house so we did that when we got home.  It was cold this afternoon but they played outside for most of it.  Isaac made a smoothie and we ran out of milk so we went to the store.  Ron brought over burritos again for dinner.  They are really good.  I get the wires out of my hand tomorrow.  Thanks again for coming up Mom and Dad.

Love Rachel

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 Sorry I didn't blog last night.  I mentally wrote a blog post but never physically did it.  Yesterday was good.  It was the last day of...