Wednesday, April 6, 2022


 That sounds like a crazy day Robin.  I am sorry.  My hand is doing good.  It feels really nice to have the wires out.  I worked on moving my fingers alot today without much progress but it will come.  We went slow this morning.  Then we went on a hike.  The kids were kind of winny at first but everyone has a fun time.  It was nice to be outside and felt good to walk.  We came home and made pizza for lunch.  The kids had their hour and then played outside all afternoon.  They didn't want to go to the park or anything.  I tried ironing and sewing.  It is a lot better without the pins in.  I still have a hard time holding a ruler down.  Isaac made the salmon for dinner and it tasted good. Thank you again Mom for all the dinners.   Oliver had his first soccer practice tonight and had fun.  I forgot his shin guards and had to run them back to him.  Randy and Terri came over and brought an old Fitbit for Casey to use for his running.  It was good to visit with them.  Tomorrow the kids go to the dentist to get their teeth clean.  Hopefully it is an uneventful visit.

Love Rachel

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...