Friday, January 25, 2013

burned out

today was good. I was so overwhelmed last night for some reason. But today I got alot accomplished so that helped ease the stress. But I called the doctor and have an appt. for the 6th of feb. I could have gone in this wens. but I still haven't told anyone at work yet so I thought I would tell people monday and give it a week to work out doctor times. Then I went to joanns. I think I got the rest of my school stuff bought. Then I reliezed my head light on my car had burned out. so I stopped at walmart and had them fix it before I got a ticket.I was running out of food so I went grocery shopping while I waited. I was so hungry it was a bad move to shop. I got a lot of random food. o well I guess it will be experiment food week. I still feel tired I am blaming the cold. anyway have a great weekend. Robin

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