Wednesday, November 20, 2019


It was cold and rainy today but it never snowed.  It is still is pretty cold.  We went to exercise class this morning and Oliver was Mr popular.  All the kids yelled Oliver and ran over to him when we got there, it was cute.  Ruth didn't have school so after we dropped Oliver off we walked around Joanns and looked at fabric.  We got her a craft to do while we were helping at Oliver's class.  We did math centers in Oliver's class and that went well.  The kids are cute.  Thanks for all the food Mom.  Isaac has been in dinner heaven this week.  We had the salmon tonight and it tasted really good.  It is too cold to play outside so the kids made a stuffed animal mountain and played in that all night. Isaac and Casey made peanut-butter bars.  Have a good night and stay warm.


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