Monday, May 26, 2014


Thanks everyone for the fun long weekend.  I had such a fun time.  Park, Planetarium, William Joseph, Aquarium, Ikea, Evanston.  It was a good time.  I am so glad you had a good Monday also Rachel.  I am glad that Isaac got to go swimming.  He loves that.  You wouldn't have believed Provo Falls.  The beautiful trickling water fall was a mass of raging water.  It was so amazing to see the difference.  Mirror lake did not have a way to get into it yet.  There was still at least 4 feet of snow.  All the lakes were still frozen.  It was such a beautiful drive.  Evanston reminded me of Preston.  They have made a beautiful river walk by the bear river.  We walked around that for awhile.  It was very well done.  Walmart was the big attraction.  We didn't go there.  I am so not looking forward to the real world this week.  At least is it a short week.  That will help.  It was really warm when we got back to SLC.  I did take a couple of pictures of Provo Falls, I thought you would like to see the difference. 

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...