Saturday, April 23, 2011

Where did Saturday go?

I had a good and busy day also. Casey had bike class so he was gone until 6. Isaac didn't sleep great last night so when he feel asleep for a nap I took one also. Casey brought me lunch which was really good. Then me and Isaac walked around the block. I am supper out of shape, the "slight" incline killed me. It did energize me so when we got back Isaac feel asleep and I worked on unpacking. It is coming. When Casey got home we went to look for a car. I really liked the hyundi accent and we were approved for it but we wanted to look at the Hondas before we comitted to anything. Casey really liked the honda fit, I think that is the one we will probably get. It is a 2007 and has 60 thousand miles. We need to look into it and see if it is a good price. Mom do you guys have an extra modem? We only have a qwest one and it is different than comcast so it doesn't work. If not it isn't a big deal.

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...