Monday, August 12, 2013

Big busy day

I had a big busy day.  Work was busy and then we took the jeep to get new tires but there is only one bad tire so we think it is misaligned and Sam's doesn't do alignments so we are going to take it to discount tires.  Sam makes you buy 4 new tires if you have all wheel drive.  I thought that was a little bit odd.  We came home and then I went grocery shopping.  I also did a batch of clothes.  I am tired.  I took Nyquil last night and that stuff does work great.  I slept all night. I sure had a hard time waking back up.  I love the quilt Rachel.  That is so dang cute.  You do such an amazing job.  She is going to love that.  Did you see on facebook that BreeAnn is pregnant and due on March 9th.  I think that has to be a miracle.  Dad thinks he is leaving on Friday but I am in the wait and see mode.  He is all packed.  I am not sure whether to unpack or just leave it.  I got me and Karen's costumes for the ball on Saturday.  I hope they are nice.  I haven't taken them out of the package yet.  I guess I better do that.  Have a wonderful day.  LOVE MOM

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...