Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Last Day of Summer

Today was a bittersweet day.  It is hard to go back to school for me.  Isaac seems excited to go back but not excited to do all the work I think.  This morning we just played and I put the binding on my quilt so I am done.  I love the quilt and wish that I could free-motion quilt it better.  We went grocery shopping and then after lunch we went swimming.  The swimming pool didn't open until 3 so we went to a splash pad and played until it opened then we went to the aquatic center.  We had a fun time swimming and it wasn't very crowded which was nice.  Oliver fell asleep in the car and is still out.  After dinner Casey took Isaac and Ruthie to pick up Leona and take her to the DI to drop off her old pants.  They brought her over and  she visited for a while.  I am glad that you pump is moving forward Karen.  I am excited for you.


Ruthie took her barbies camping.  She made them food and then laid them out, it was

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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...